Category: Physical Therapy

What is the Difference Between Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy?

Helping people heal and live more fully is one of the most rewarding things you can do with your time. Making a career out of caring is more than a job, it is a truly gratifying lifelong purpose. However, the choices available for career opportunities in care are vast and varied. Do you know the […]

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Stanbridge University Increases Virtual Reality Offerings with Addition of World’s First Virtual Dissection Table

Stanbridge University is pleased to announce the addition of the the most technologically advanced anatomy visualization system in the world to its Virtual Reality Lab. Stanbridge students can now utilize this rare and innovative tool used by the top hospitals and medical facilities. The Anatomage Table is the only fully segmented real human 3D anatomy […]

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Stanbridge College Expands Cadaver Lab Facilities with Human Specimens

One year after unveiling the first Synthetic Human Cadaver Lab on the West Coast, Stanbridge College has expanded its training resources for students by adding real human cadavers to widen the scope and experience of the anatomy and physiology courses. The cadavers, one male and one female, come to Stanbridge from the University of Arizona, College […]

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Stanbridge College Students, Faculty, and Staff Raise $1507.42 for Free Wheelchair Mission

A plastic lawn chair. A bicycle wheel. Simple items that one might easily throw away are repurposed for remarkable use by a humanitarian nonprofit organization called Free Wheelchair Mission. Designed with limited resources in mind, and built using donated materials, Free Wheelchair Mission creates unique, durable wheelchairs and brings them to people with disabilities in […]

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Stanbridge College Named a 2015 School of Excellence, Awarded Top Honors in Student Services by ACCSC

Stanbridge College Named a 2015 School of Excellence, Awarded Top Honors in Student Services by ACCSC

Stanbridge College has been named a 2014-2015 School of Excellence by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). Stanbridge was honored along with 23 other schools, out of the 800 institutions that the ACCSC accredits. The award distinguishes ACCSC-accredited schools for their commitment to the expectations and rigors of the accreditation process, as […]

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Stanbridge College Students, Faculty and Staff Raise $3,972.01 for Nepal Earthquake Relief

Stanbridge College Students, Faculty and Staff Raise $3,972.01 for Nepal Earthquake Relief

Two devastating earthquakes struck Nepal on April 25th and May 12th, leaving over 8,000 people dead and flattening more than 500,000 homes across the country. Answering the global call to action, Stanbridge College students, faculty and staff took the initiative to raise $3,972.01 on behalf of two charities, Shelterbox, and Steps of Hope Outreach, to […]

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First Synthetic Human Cadaver Lab on US West Coast Opens at Stanbridge College

First Synthetic Human Cadaver Lab on US West Coast Opens at Stanbridge College

Stanbridge College has opened the first Synthetic Human Cadaver Lab on the West Coast as a training resource for its students. The lab includes two synthetic full-body human cadavers including bones, muscles, blood vessels, veins and organs from SynDaver™ Labs. It also includes six isolated arm and six isolated leg models. Stanbridge College is the […]

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Stanbridge College Spotlight: PTA Program Director, Elizabeth Peyton

Stanbridge College Spotlight: PTA Program Director, Elizabeth Peyton

In honor of PT Month, Stanbridge College spotlights Physical Therapist Assistant Program Director, Elizabeth Peyton. In her interview, Ms. Peyton talks about her passion for physical therapy and how seeing the students grasp physical therapy concepts is a rewarding, daily inspiration. Stanbridge College: In your words, what is physical therapy? Elizabeth Peyton: In its most […]

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Stanbridge Student Spotlight: OTA Student Erika Agustin Fulfills the Need

While working as a Behavior Therapist for children with Autism and going to school full-time at Stanbridge College in the Occupational Therapy Assistant program, Erika Agustin still finds time to do what she loves most: helping others. Erika’s schedule is constantly filled with community service activities. Canned food drives for the hungry, toy drives for […]

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