Tag: google

Web malware detection increasingly difficult

Web malware detection increasingly difficult

Google recently published a report based on its research into identifying malicious websites. The company routinely flags malicious websites as part of its attempts to warn search engine users of potential dangers, but this report suggests that hackers are using new methods to avoid flagging. Many methods exist to discover malware, and the report dissects […]

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“Liking” vs “+1”ing: Google+ Prepares for Battle

“Liking” vs “+1”ing: Google+ Prepares for Battle

Google+ is a new social networking platform that will be available to the public on July 31st.  So far, the reviews have been mixed, with bloggers weighing in on both fabulous features and where Google is falling short. In an article at TechCrunch, MG Siegler draws battle lines for the social media war among Google, […]

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The Internet Revolution: World Tests IPv6

The Internet Revolution: World Tests IPv6

Wednesday, June 8 was World IPv6 Day, a large scale 24 hour experiment aimed at indentifying problems associated with IPv6, an upgrade to the Internet’s main communications protocol IPv4, reported an article on NetworkWorld. Over 400 organizations, including Google, Facebook, AT&T, Cisco and Microsoft all participated along with other businesses, universities and government agencies enabling […]

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Google UK releases a quarterly magazine

Google UK releases a quarterly magazine

Google UK has introduced a quarterly magazine “Think Quarterly” which is intended to cover a variety of topics related to data.  New issues are expected in July and October.  The articles are poised to cause reflection on the need for and handling of data, as well as its storage and retrieval.  This issue’s articles include one […]

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