Mozilla joins the mobile OS party

Mozilla joins the mobile OS party  Amidst competitors such as Google’s Chrome OS, Apple’s iOS, Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7, and various flavors of Linux, Mozilla is diving into the mobile OS market with its Boot to Gecko or “B2G” operating system.  Designed for quick booting, ease of taking your settings with you across devices, and optimized for web browsing, mobile operating systems are vying for their share of the market on platforms such as tablets, Smartphones, and netbooks.

How does Mozilla hope to stand out?  With its experience in developing open source web applications, Mozilla plans to target “mobile/tablet devices rather than a notebook form factor” – and development standards will likely resemble those we already use for web (HTML5, CSS3, etc).

Do you follow the trends in mobile operating systems?  Are mobile operating systems the future of computing?  Is platform-specific OS software the way to go, or will cross-platform strategies such as Apple’s iOS/OS X and Microsoft’s “single ecosystem” plan ultimately prove more viable?

Mozilla’s B2G is still very early in its development stages, but you can follow its progress or contribute to its development here.

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