Stanbridge College Raises Over $1250 to Somalian Famine and MSF

Stanbridge College Raises Over $1250 to Somalian Famine and MSF

Thank you to all of our students, staff and faculty who helped Stanbridge College REACH over $1250 in donations to Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and their relief efforts for the victims of the current famine, drought and political turmoil in Somalia.

Every quarter, Stanbridge College chooses a charity to help local and global communities in need. This quarter, Stanbridge College chose to raise funds for disaster relief provided by MSF for over 400,000 Somalian refugees in Kenya. These refugees are currently suffering from hunger and malnutrition in addition to several diseases and infections spreading throughout the overpopulated camps.

“It is critical that we encourage our students to be involved in global issues, especially ones that deal with human suffering and malnutrition,” stated Stanbridge College President, Yasith Weerasuryia. “The situation in Kenya is in dire need of our help. As the recipients of the Nobel Peace Price in 1999, MSF is a truly worthy organization to support in this time of need.”

MSF has been continuously working in Somalia since 1991. In 1999, MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Price for their medical relief efforts in over 80 countries. Currently MSF provides free medical care including primary healthcare, surgery, and treatment for malnutrition. They are also supporting displaced people through distribution of relief items. They are the sole provider of medical care for over 130,000 people and currently are treating 6,400 children for malnutrition.

Continue to REACH

Stanbridge College encourages you to continue to learn about and support the disaster relief efforts going on in Somalia and Kenya. Please visit MSF online at

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