Best LVN Programs California – Stanbridge University Ranked #1

Best LVN Programs California - Stanbridge University Ranked #1‘s Best LVN Programs California list ranks Stanbridge University as 1st in California for the Vocational Nursing degree program, out of 130 schools.

Rankings were determined by academic quality, affordability, student reviews, and NCLEX-PN first-time pass rates. In 2018, Stanbridge University LVN students achieved a 98.3% exam pass rate according to the Board of Vocational Nursing & Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT)1, one of the highest pass rates in the state.

For more information on the top vocational nursing school rankings, see their Methodology Page.

California Vocational Nursing Programs: Why Stanbridge University?

What sets Stanbridge University apart from other vocational nursing degree programs in the state?

  • Stanbridge University seeks to meet individual educational needs. Because of this, the Vocational Nursing program is full of exciting opportunities. From community engagement to clinical fieldwork, Stanbridge has something for you.
  • Spacious facilities include nursing skills labs, Simulation Lab, and a Virtual Reality Lab.
  • Best LVN Programs California - Stanbridge University Ranked #1
    Best LVN Programs California – Train hands-on with simulation manikins in on-campus labs

    Stanbridge provides a hands-on learning environment with innovative technology for real-world training. Experience immersive, interactive learning with advanced simulation manikins and learn anatomy hands-on with synthetic cadavers. However you learn, Stanbridge University has an opportunity for you.

Stanbridge University would like to thank all of our past and current students. Your continued support and dedication to academic and community excellence is inspiring, and our university wouldn’t be the same without you!

Ready to learn even more? Stanbridge University offers the Vocational Nursing program in Orange County and Los Angeles. Learn more about the Vocational Nursing program at Stanbridge University here!

1Source: NCLEX-PN pass rate; California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (Board) and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Examinations Report 4 at this Rolling Quarter – Jurisdiction Program Summary of all First-Time Candidates Licensed in All Jurisdictions 01 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2018, Orange County Campus. As viewed on February 12, 2019.