Serve the Homeless of Orange County with a Home-made Meal for the Holidays

Serve the Homeless of Orange County with a Home-made Meal for the Holidays

As the holiday season and New Year approach, many of the homeless and low-income families in Orange County are wondering where and how they will be able to celebrate. Help Stanbridge College provide our neighbors and community members with a warm holiday meal on December 17th.

Event details:

Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (3-5 volunteers needed to arrive at 1:00 pm to help prepare)
Location: Lighthouse Outreach Ministries: 1885 Anaheim St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Register: Click here to register on the REACH upcoming events website.

In addition to preparing and serving the food, we are encouraging people to drop off donations. If you are able to donate, here are some suggestions:

·         brownies, cookies or candy
·         sodas – these are such a treat for these men, women and children and they go so fast!
·         clothing items – especially socks, old back packs and toiletry items.
·         blankets, plastic bags and cloth bags

Without a home to hang their stockings, these people need extra care and support. For many of them, WE are the only family and support they will get this Christmas. Sign up today to make a difference in their lives.