Holiday Tips for Nursing Students

Being a nursing student during the holidays can be tough. You’re pulled in a million different directions, you’re stressed, and you might not be feeling very festive. Despite this, it is possible to celebrate the holidays and participate in the festivities as a nursing student!

Here are some tips on how to make the most of your holiday season.

Get Plenty of Rest 

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to try and get as much rest as possible during the holidays. Between clinicals, exams, and social events, you’re going to be busy. So make sure to schedule in some down time too! Taking a nap or getting to bed early can help you recharge and be ready for whatever the holiday season throws your way.

Prioritize Your Time

Nursing school is demanding, and during the holiday season, it can feel like you don’t have a minute to spare. So, it’s important to prioritize your time and figure out what is most important to you. Obviously, your studies should be a priority, but try to make time for the things that bring you joy during the holidays too. Whether that’s watching your favorite Christmas movie, going ice skating, or baking some holiday treats, make time for the things that matter to you. Your mental health will thank you for it!

Decorate Your Study Space

Holiday Tips for Nursing Students
Stanbridge University students feeling festive!

Sitting at a desk for hours at a time, day after day, can be tedious. Taking the time to add some holiday cheer to your study space can help boost your mood and increase your productivity.

If you’re not sure where to start, try adding a few small holiday-themed decorations. For example, you could put up a string of lights, put out a festive mug for your pencils, or hang a holiday wreath on your bulletin board. You could even put up a small Christmas tree or menorah if you have the space. The key is to make your study space feel warm and inviting so you actually enjoy spending time there – it just might just be the pick-me-up you need!

Get Involved in Festive Activities at School

Not only will participating in festive, on-campus activities make your school feel a little more cheerful, but it’ll also help you take a break from studying and de-stress. Check with your student services office or student organizations to see what’s happening on your campus during the holidays!

Rely on Your Study Buddy or Group

Even if you can’t be with your friends and family during the holidays, you can still connect with other nursing students! Lean on your study buddy or group for support, and don’t forget to return the favor. These groups can be great places to vent about finals stress, share study tips, and even find someone to exchange holiday cards with! And who knows—you might even make some friends for life.

Make Time For Your Loved Ones

The holidays are all about spending time with loved ones, so make sure to carve out some quality time for them. Whether it’s attending a holiday party together or just curling up on the couch drinking hot cocoa, spending time with those you love is what the holidays are all about.

The holidays can be a tough time for nursing students. But with a little planning and some creativity, it is possible to celebrate the holidays while still keeping up with your studies! Prioritize your time, get involved in festive activities at school, and stay connected with others to the make the most out of this holiday season.

Learn more about Stanbridge University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Vocational Nursing programs.